Your Mobile Home Park Success Is Our Reward

Gil Wigington

Gil Wigington

September 05, 2023

When folks schedule a demo with me to talk about our mobile home park solutions, inevitably one question always comes up. "Why did you decide to create your site?"

First and foremost, I love helping people!

It's why I served the public as an elected county commissioner for two terms. It's why I was a real estate broker, and have personally invested in real estate for over two decades. It's also the exact reason why I decided to start our website.

Second, the MH/RV park lists, statistics, and general park information currently circulating the internet simply suck!

As a former I.T. developer, I've watched the technology surrounding the MH/RV park industry sit absolutely stagnant since I first entered our unique real estate niche back in 2006.

Personally speaking, it has just never made sense to start blindly contacting park owners to see if they’ll sell before I had a reasonable 10,000 foot view of the park’s situation and city it resides in.

Simply put, I don’t want someone else's zoning nightmare, nor do I want to infill a park when its local real estate trends or demographics don’t justify it.

Keep in mind, there’s always a reason behind why a 10, 20, 30, or even 50 year old mobile home park being advertised as an “Upscale Opportunity” has a number of vacant lots or the existing mobile homes are barely habitable. Generally speaking it’s typically an issue with either local zoning requirements, state permitting requirements, or local real estate trends.

To read more about the importance of zoning issues feel free to check out my article titled The Power of Zoning Regulations.

As an investor, when I went on the hunt for new parks, I would literally spend hours just trying to find the most basic public information that helps answer that question.

For me, the trick to investing in mobile home parks isn’t to find one for sale and then purely work to make the numbers justify a price. Instead it needs to be the park’s shelf life. Afterall, what good is a 20 or 30 year mortgage term if the park is on (or close to) its last breath and can't realistically be revived?

Over time, I felt if I was spending so much time identifying general information about specific parks, then so was everyone else that worked in the industry.

That's when I gave up looking for parks to invest in, and decided to start helping others by developing our site.

This way folks that want to research more about specific mobile home parks or RV parks, can do so in a matter of minutes rather than spending all of their valuable time trying to locate it in broad Google search results or trashy park lists.

By integrating our solutions (such as our Advertise solution) with our mobile home park and RV parks records, we’re able to not only keep our records updated but also provide more and more statistical information about the MH/RV park industry as they continue to mature.

While it’s taken over two years to get our site to this point, hearing the “WOW’s” and “OH GEEZ” each time I show people our various solutions is hugely rewarding to me! It also tells me our team is on the right path to providing something the MH/RV park industry has never had access to before.

View our Video Tips or schedule a demo to see just how our site can help you succeed in the mobile home park or RV park industry. Or learn why our mobile home parks are simply better by going to our Learn More page.

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