Pax Chatter for November 2023

Gil Wigington

Gil Wigington

November 01, 2023
PAX Chatter

Park Sites

As the geese and snow have begun to fly here in Nebraska it simply amazes me as I write this Pax Chatter how deep we already are into Q4 of the year!

While many of you have probably started your conversations about 2024, our team has been continuing to make a lot of great progress enhancing our solutions for our users.

As promised in the October’s Pax Chatter, we released our Parcel Data enhancement on October 10th in our latest release 2.0.08.

Parcel Data in Park Sites

This great new feature now gives anyone using Park Sites the ability to view over 50 data points that a county assessor may have recorded within a mobile home park's parcel records.

With the owner and mailing address being two central pillars of the assessor’s record, our team can easily see a future opportunity for Park Sites to someday incorporate an owner enrichment option.

While this possibility has just hit our dream board and would take a bit of engineering, what our team envisions is potentially giving our users the ability to click an enrichment link within the Parcel Data window. Once clicked the user could view items such as related phone numbers and email addresses based on the park's county parcel information.

There is no doubt our team is truly excited about the direction that our Parcel Data enhancement could take us.

We encourage anyone that would like to see our new Parcel Data enhancement in action to visit our Parcel Owners landing page.

Contacts CRM Work

As of a few days ago our team has started to put the individual pieces together that form our complete Contacts CRM solution. While they still have some work to do with the integration aspects of our Advertise and Professionals solutions, more in-depth alpha testing has begun.

We originally set out to release Contacts CRM in mid-November. However, with the number of integrations that are involved it may be closer to mid-December before we feel it is stable enough for release.

To help speed up its release, Contacts CRM will initially be released in Beta form. What that means for our users is that our team will have fully tested Contacts CRM and found it to be at least 90% bug free.

Traditionally our team spends an extensive period of time testing each release to ensure we are at least 95% to 98% bug free. However, because of the multitude of options built within Contacts CRM our traditional approach could take an extensive period of time.

Instead, by ensuring Contacts CRM is at least 90% bug free, as a Beta we will be able to provide everyone the much needed benefits of Contacts CRM quicker while also ensuring our user’s data remains safe and stable.

For anyone that would like to be notified about the release of our Contacts CRM, simply add your email to our Get Notified landing page.

Until next time, have a great November and as always feel free to reach out to with any questions you may have.  

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